#GivingTuesday with KW Kids Can

#GivingTuesday with KW Kids Can

    Thanksgiving is for giving thanks and Giving Tuesday (the Tuesday following Thanksgiving) is a global day for giving back.

    Founded in 2012, Giving Tuesday encourages and inspires people all around the world to select a charitable organization and give a monetary donation or participate in an event that helps raise donations. We have an idea for you this year!

    An Idea for Giving Tuesday

    Keller Williams changed the real estate world; now, KW Kids Can (KWKC) is changing the rest of it! This educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit was founded with the belief that the cultivation of a growth mindset needs to begin earlier in life. KWKC’s inaugural learning experience is all about living life to its fullest! And they’re just getting started. They need your help!

    Donate to KWKC today for Giving Tuesday and help our youth become world-changers.

    Giving All Year Long

    One of the easiest ways agents can donate to KWKC throughout the year is through Greensheet contributions. Just as many have given to KW Cares, The Family Fund and Bold Scholarships, you can now donate to KWKC on every transaction! Many have selected to donate $25 per transaction, as that covers the cost of materials for one student! No matter how much you choose to give, you are helping KWKC change the world with every dollar given

    Work With Us

    Keller Williams operates on the premise that if the company focuses all its resources on building its agents’ businesses, the agents in turn will build the company beyond all expectations. With that philosophy, we are reshaping the global industry landscape.

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